NIST - India's First NEBOSH Gold Learning Partner

Hazardous Spill Response

The Hazardous Spill Response program is designed to provide participants with sufficient knowledge about the theory of spill response to enable you to plan for and respond to incidents in your own organization, such as a spillage in a laboratory or warehouse, or even a leak from a bulk tanker that has rolled over.

  • Duration
    Half Day / 1 Day / 2 Days
  • Training Mode
    Online / Classroom
  • Learning Partner
  • Training Topic
    Hazardous Spill Response
  • Level
    Awarenes / Intermediate / Advanced
  • Language
  • Prerequisites
  • Scope
    Awareness - Theory,
    Intermediate & Advanced - Theory & Practicals


The Hazardous Spill Response program is designed to provide participants with sufficient knowledge about the theory of spill response to enable you to plan for and respond to incidents in your own organization, such as a spillage in a laboratory or warehouse, or even a leak from a bulk tanker that has rolled over.

When a chemical is spilled, someone has to clear it up. This might be the person who spilt it or, possibly, a trained response team. Whoever it is, they should know about the hazards and risks posed by the substances involved, have access to the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow some kind of plan.

Interactive Session of Hazardous Spill Response Training

Learning Outcomes of Hazardous Spill Response training

This training module is ideal for those who are considering setting up or already have a spill response team in their workplace. The training content includes:

  • Hazard Identification: learn how to obtain hazard and risk information quickly from documents such as HAZCHEM Placards, Product Labels and Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
  • Properties and behavior: know how chemicals may behave in different circumstances when released from their containers.
  • Chemical effects and first aid: the ways in which you can be exposed to substances, the effects they may have on you and some simple steps to take if you come into contact with them.
  • Assessing the situation: consider how far an incident may have progressed and what might happen next.
  • The theory of response: learn how to plan a response instead of rushing in. A tool to guide you from start to finish with response options and incident site management arrangements, and debriefing before leaving the scene.

Who can take the Hazardous Spill Response training?

This hazardous Spill Response course is aimed at anyone involved responding to a chemical spill in the workplace. Training is useful to workers such as courier handler, waste clean-up contractors, laboratory workers and safety personnel.

Benefits of Hazardous Spill Response training

Chemical Spill Response course provides you with the ability to recognize hazards and understand the information that accompanies chemicals. It offers a comprehensive view on the properties of chemical substances and how they might behave when spilt. This will help you to fully assess the risks, devise a plan to deal with any spillage and ensure the response team follows a safe way of working.