Fire And Life Safety
Fire safety engineers are traditionally engaged to address departures from codes and standards once the design has been completed and any issues have been identified by other stakeholders in the design team. This typically occurs throughout the design development and construction stages of a project, often when there is limited opportunity to make further design changes. NIST Global consistently aim to become involved earlier in the project in order to identify specific opportunities to improve the design or provide a more economical option before it’s too late to alter the design. We are also able to identify common issues or design choices that may cause difficulties with compliance.
NIST Global can work with the design team to identify where fire engineered performance solutions may add value to the project and to assist in developing an acceptable concept fire safety strategy for the building during the initial design development phase of the project. A supporting statement may also be provided to accompany initial development approval submissions to relevant authorities - e.g. local government - if required.