Fire & Life Safety Audit for Commercial and Residential Buildings
Every commercial & residential occupancy should formulate a suitable fire escape plan so that every occupant in the building can promptly and safely evacuate the premises in the event of a fire or any other emergency.
Training TopicFire & Life Safety Audit for Commercial and Residential Buildings
Learning PartnerNIST
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Why Fire & Life Safety Audit in Commercial and Residential Buildings important?
Every commercial & residential occupancy should formulate a suitable fire escape plan so that every occupant in the building can promptly and safely evacuate the premises in the event of a fire or any other emergency.
It has to be ensured that the exits and stairways of the building are always kept clear of all obstructions or hazardous materials; Where Residential and Non-Residential Occupancies co-exist, extreme care has to be taken in the design and construction of the premises so as to ensure that all essential fire and life safety requirements as per Standards & Codes are incorporated in the building.
Objectives of FLS Audit:
The objectives of Fire & Life Safety Audit can be focused on the following:
- Review of Fire safety policy statement (Fire order)
- Identify all significant fire hazards
- Identify the people who are at risk from each hazard
- Evaluate the existing control measures
- Determine the additional control measures required
- Examine the availability of a suitable emergency plan detailing the responsibility and action of key personnel
- Review the availability of a suitable fire alarm and detection system
- Review the availability of suitable firefighting facilities, such as hydrants, sprinklers, extinguishers, etc.
- Evaluate passive fire protection systems provided
- Evaluate the general awareness of occupants and security personnel on matters relating to fire safety and rescue operations
- Evaluate the training and instructions on fire safety imparted to the employees and occupants
- Verifying the records of training imparted to employees and occupants with regards to fire safety
- Assessing all relevant electrical safety risks
- Examining the storage and control of flammable and hazardous substances
- Assessing the existing fire preventive and protective control measures, On-site emergency response plans and fire risk assessment report
- Testing of all fire safety equipment and systems (Optional).